VIDP New Dehli to VNKT Katmandu


Dutch on left, Drew on right

Foggy day                                         

Dutch opens the way

and takes off

followed by Drew

Joining painfully Dutch                                                                                                  

And Drew

Both 3

Not that common to come over Drew ;)                                              

The photo of my crash has been censored :(((

Dutch make a great landing followed immediately by....

  Ryan (Jetsgo who landed  like a master a... 747                                                                 

Sorry Ryan, this is the only pic I have of your performance ;) You will have to do it again...

My second landing try was not going that well...

Well well well... Go Around seems mandatory, but...

Will try anyway, the runway is quite long ;)

PFEW... DONE !!! ;)

video 20 Mb